28 June 2012

~¤©§][ Definition of Samail ][§©¤~

Wilayat Samail:
Wilayat Samail is a state in The Region of Al Dakhiliyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Surrounded by a series of high mountains, The Wadi is known to play a major role in the mountains of stone split into two series: first series of the Western Hajar Mountains and Al Jabal Al Akhdar at its peak, The second is: Hajar Mountains the eastern and peak of Jabal Samman. A population of about 40 thousand people, Living in 55 villages and towns.

~¤©§][ Definition of Nizwa ][§©¤~

Wilayat Nizwa:
Wilayat Nizwa is a state in The Region of Al Dakhiliyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Away from the capital Muscat about 170 km west, Neighboring state of Izki on the East, On the West by the states of Al Hamra and Bahla, On the south by state of Adam, And on the north by Al Jabal Al Akhdar. The population of the state of Nizwa about 70 thousand people.

24 June 2012

~¤©§][ Region of Al Sharqiyah ][§©¤~

The Region of Al Sharqiyah:
Al Sharqiyah is one of regions in Sultanate of Oman.

Represents ( Region of Al Sharqiyah ) facade North east of the Sultanate of Oman, And overlooking the Arabian Sea from the east, Include the inner side of the mountains of stone-east, which relate with it to the north, As also linked to east sands ( Wahibah Sands ) of the south, And the region of Al Dakhiliyah to the west.

~¤©§][ Definition of Dima and Al Taaiyen ][§©¤~

Wilayat Dima and Al Taaiyen:
Wilayat Dima and Al Taaiyen is a state in the region of Al Sharqiyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Neighbors in the north by state of Quriyat, a subsidiary to the governorate of Muscat, And on the south by state of Ibra, And on the east by states of Al Qabil and Bidiyah, And on the west by states of Al Mudhaibi and Bid Bid. A population of 17.013 people almost, Living in 51 villages.

~¤©§][ Definition of Masirah Island ][§©¤~

Wilayat Masirah Island:
Wilayat Masirah Island is a state in the region of Al Sharqiyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

It is an island located southeast of the Sultanate, There are in the state of Masirah is more than 12 villages, inhabited by about 9 thousand people almost.

20 June 2012

~¤©§][ Definition of Wadi Bani Khalid ][§©¤~

Wilayat Wadi Bani Khalid:
Wilayat Wadi Bani Khalid is a state in the region of Al Sharqiyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Neighbors in the west by states of Bidiyah and Al Qabil, On the east by The mandate of Sur, On the south by state of Al Kamil and Al Wafi, On the north by The mandate of Dima and Al Taaein. A population of 7 thousand and 941 people, almost, Living in about 30 villages.

~¤©§][ Definition of Jaalan Bani Bu Ali ][§©¤~

Wilayat Jaalan Bani Bu Ali:
Wilayat Jaalan Bani Bu Ali is a state in the region of Al Sharqiyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Overlooking the Arabian Sea from the east, including the inner side of the mountains of stone-east which relate to the north, as well to Al Wahiba sands each and prestige to the south, and the region of Al Dakhiliyah to the west.

17 June 2012

~¤©§][ Definition of Al Qabil ][§©¤~

Wilayat Al Qabil:
Wilayat Al Qabil is a state in the region of Al Sharqiyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Bordered to the north the state of Ibra, and on the south by state of Bidiyah, bounded on the north-eastern by state of Dima and Al Taaiyen, on the south-eastern by state of Wadi Bani Khalid, and west by state of Mudhaibi. A population of 13 thousand and 957 people, Living in about 21 villages.

~¤©§][ Definition of Jaalan Bani Bu Hassan ][§©¤~

Wilayat Jaalan Bani Bu Hassan:
Wilayat Jaalan Bani Bu Hassan is a state in the region of Al Sharqiyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

The state's second-largest states of region of Al Sharqiyah, However, the population does not exceed 25 thousand people, almost, The state was named relative to the tribe of Bani Bu Hassan.

15 June 2012

10 June 2012

~¤©§][ Definition of Al Kamil & Al Wafi ][§©¤~

Wilayat Al Kamil and Al Wafi:
Wilayat Al Kamil and Al Wafi is a state in the region of Al Sharqiyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Includes two major cities are Al Kamil city & Al Wafi city, Neighboring in the north the state of Wadi Bani Khalid, And west by state of Bidiyah, And south by state of Jaalan Bani Bu Hassan, And east by state of Sur, Inhabited by 23 thousand and 738 people, Living in about ( 40 ) villages and the city.

03 June 2012

~¤©§][ Definition of Al Mudhaibi ][§©¤~

Wilayat Al Mudhaibi:
Wilayat Al Mudhaibi is a state in the region of Al Sharqiyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Neighboring in North States of Bidbid and Samail, Committees for Region of Al Dakhiliyah, And States of Ibra and Al Qabil, Committees for Region of Al Sharqiyah, And south of the State of Mahut, Committees for Region of Al Wusta, On the east by States of Bidiyah and Jalan Bani Bu Hassan and Jalan Bani Bu Ali, On the west by States of Izki and Adam, Committees for Region of Al Dakhiliyah, The number of villages to about 90 villages, Inhabited by about 51 thousand and 696 people.