28 June 2012

~¤©§][ Definition of Nizwa ][§©¤~

Wilayat Nizwa:
Wilayat Nizwa is a state in The Region of Al Dakhiliyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Away from the capital Muscat about 170 km west, Neighboring state of Izki on the East, On the West by the states of Al Hamra and Bahla, On the south by state of Adam, And on the north by Al Jabal Al Akhdar. The population of the state of Nizwa about 70 thousand people.

Nizwa was the capital of the sultanate of Oman in the first centuries of Islam, And its activity is known intellectual and successive generations of scientists and scholars and historians Omanis, This is called the ( egg-Islam ), And spread by many of the forts, castles, towers, springs, falajs mosques ancient, and beautiful tourist sites, including :-


  • Nizwa Fort ( Al Shahbaa Castle ): Considered to be within the oldest castles in the Sultanate of Oman, Where know it with the huge circular form, ( Height is 24 meters and the external diameter is 43 meters and internal diameter is 39 meters ), There are seven wells and multiple openings for the stationing fighters and defenders of the fort and city in ancient times, And inside it different locations of the prisons, where it was the seat of government and the implementation of sanctions against the perpetrators of the offenses and crimes of all kinds, Built by Imam Sultan bin Saif bin Malik Elierbi, year ( 1660 AD ), and who was known as the Imam, who expelled the Portuguese from Oman, It took 12 years to build the castle, Associated the castle with fort of a maze of corridors and complicated, There, near the castle and fort ( Traditional Market of Nizwa ), best known for his with burgeoning craft industries.

  • Market of Nizwa: Not far from Nizwa Fort, Featuring architecture which is derived from the pattern of Omani architecture and Muslim alike, And offers for the visitor opportunities to be found on the vocabulary of Omani architecture.

  • Tanuf Castle: Stationed on the edge of the cliff up deep valley Tanuf, In the position in this village, the Government established a camp migration has many services for tourists who come for the village of Tanuf.


  • Fort of Bait Al Radidah: Located in on behalf of Birkat Al Mawz, which mediates the states of Nizwa and Izki, It consists of two-storey, and contains a range of rooms and mixed-use towers and a variety of inscriptions and ornamentation.


  • Fort of Bait Sulait: One of the points of interest of the city of Nizwa, near Falaj Daris, Consists of 3 floors and surrounded by impervious wall and two towers, And overlooking the palm groves on all sides.

  • Falaj Daris: The largest falajs in the Sultanate of Oman, It helps to irrigate a lot of farms in the state of Nizwa, It is known that the people in the state of Nizwa maintain of this falaj from old time, There are this falaj within public garden founded by the Omani government to keep this Falaj, And be have a place to visit a lot of tourists.

  • Al Jabal Al Akhdar: Height of more than ten thousand feet above sea level, It is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations, Where is famous for the diversity of agricultural products like fruits and flowers, and fruits such as: Pomegranate - Peach - Apricot - Almond - Walnut - Figs - Pear - Plum - Quince and others fruits. And flowers such as: Roses - Myrtles - Saffron - Narcissus. Which cant grow anywhere else in the Arabian Gulf, except Al Jabal Al Akhdar, As a result weather moderate summers and cold winters, The end of the month of October of the most beautiful times of tourism to Al Jabal Al Akhdar.

  • Archaeological Mosques: There are many mosques in the state of Nizwa, including :-

1- Mosque of Nizwa: Which is an ancient mosque, the headquarters for the study of jurisprudence and Arabic language, where he graduated from it a lot of imams and scholars.


2- Mosque of Al Shawaznah: Which is attributed to the builders of Isa bin Abdullah bin Shazan, and is located in lane Al Aqr, And is one of the oldest mosques in Nizwa.


3- Mosque of Su'aal: Is said to be built during the reign of Imam Al Salt bin Malik, and is located in lane Su'aal.

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