01 July 2012

~¤©§][ Definition of Bahla ][§©¤~

Wilayat Bahla:
Wilayat Bahla is a state in The Region of Al Dakhiliyah in the Sultanate of Oman.

City of Bahla is the old name, calling the region South of the mountains, west of Bahla to Izki, Keep pace to the oasis from west is Wadi Bahla, The high mountains surrounding most sites of almost, Oasis and permeate some coral that are in Alwadi, This site has helped her to be a link between the neighboring regions, Especially if we know it is close to ancient cultural sites in the state of Ibri.

The state of Bahla the most important archaeological sites in the Sultanate of Oman, It includes a lot of castles and forts, Characterized by abundant falajs and density of palm trees, A mixture of several environmental elements of the human person created the Omani conditions for the exercise of their activity.

It is an oasis palm walled and fortified by defensive wall, Consists of a number of lanes and lanes for each of these entries also control their own entry and exit, Bahla Oasis contains many of the elements, including: Bahla Castle - Jabreen Castle - The wall of Bahla - Old Mosques ( Mosque Al Jami ) - Traditional Market - Pottery - Falajs.


  • Bahla Castle: The first site includes the Sultanate of Oman to the World Heritage List in 1987 AD, Sits in the high hill the middle and oasis of palm trees, raising the prestige of the giant mud castle, The castle is a building shaped like a triangle almost, The southern facade of the castle about 112.5 m, While the eastern façade has about 114 m, The length of the fence northwest arc about 135 m.

The building dates back to the Bahla Castle of varying periods of time, some of which dates back to before Islam, And specifically the east-north of Castle, which is known as the ( Al Qasabah ), But the eastern part of the southern building dates back to the era of the state Al Nabhaniah, This family, which ruled Oman nearly five centuries, Take Bahla their capital in the period of their rule, The ( Bait Al Jabal ) located at the corner near the north of the fort, Have been built in the last decade of the twelfth century AH of the eighteenth century AD, While ( Al Bait Al Hadith ) was built in the middle of the thirteenth century AH of the nineteenth century AD.

  • Jabreen Castl: The magnificent palace was built in the town of Jabreen in the state of Bahla, Is a wonderful blend of defensive architecture and sophisticated taste, Is a large rectangular building, Was built by Imam Bilarab bin Sultan bin Saif Elierbi ( 1091 AH - 1104 AH / 1680 AD - 1692 AD ), Made up of three roles, Contains 55 rooms, A length of about 43 meters, And width of 22 meters, The length of the east wall about 72 meters.


Penetrate the castle from the south-west to north-east ( Falaj Jabreen ), Which passes the central castle, There are in castle the shrine of Imam Bilarab bin Sultan bin Saif Elierbi, The fort was designed to be a beautiful palace for a forward, The Ministry has restored the fort and furnished in ( 1404 AH -1982 AD ) to open it to visitors.

  • The wall of Bahla: Perhaps the most important characteristic of this oasis from other oases of Oman, Surrounded by a fence and fortify the defensive fortifications with a unique, Extends for a distance of 7 miles, Provider with towers and rooms for Soldiers and objectives of the arrows or guns, This wall does not know the history of its creation, And has seven gates, President, including: Bab Al Badi - Bab Al Sili - Bab Al Sabah - Bab Al Bathaa - Bab Al Kharzaban.

The Orbiter line course the Bahla Wall and the way that encircles the Oasis is well aware of the precision and innovation in immunization Oasis, Defensive in a way unique and sometimes intervening hills cut valleys in other places, Distributed in a way has made it difficult to access within the oasis or trying to storm, And was to this wall the system of particular to maintain and preserve, Style has been compared to fortify this oasis as one of the most beautiful walled three cities in the world, In Croatia and France and the Sultanate of Oman.

  • Mosque Al Jami: The close of the castle in individual hill ( Jami Bahla old ), who was considered the main mosque of the city, The inception date back to the reign of Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab, Earliest date written and released so far in one of the cylinders a year 528 AH, This date marks the oldest written history is recorded in an enterprise architecture in the Sultanate so far, after the date on which the previous record in Su'aal Mosque in the state of Nizwa and holds the year 650 AH.

The Ministry of Heritage and Culture has conducted many research and investigation to read the writings that fill the walls and pillars of the mosque, Has been detected for many of the important dates of the incidents took place in the city of Bahla and in Oman as a whole, Carrying the dates of many invasions and the dates of deaths celebrities in the history of Oman, The dimension of this literature historically and culturally, socially, And will inevitably lead to change and add many of the concepts and to the correct number of them.


  • Traditional Market: Oasis of Bahla and by virtue of its strategic location the most important one of the old traditional markets that have remained the province of the activity and the unique architectural style, in a number of states of the Sultanate, Market Bahla is a collection of shops in the form of compact queues and roofed with wood, Make the visitor feel that the old East markets rarely exist currently, And there are many shops of traditional crafts practiced by the people of Oasis, There is a silver industries, and shops selling spices and grains, And controls the market 4 large doors and another small door.

  • Pottery: Bahla Oasis is a center of pottery center since ancient times, Bahla pottery found pervasive and widespread to the point that archaeologists have identified a special technology known as the ( Bahla pottery technical ), to distinguish it from other types of pottery spread in Oman, both from local or imported.


And became the Bahla pottery for comparison and takes archaeologists to track the spread of pottery and a way to see the cultural links between the old urban centers, The industry is still in Bahla list to the present, The pottery in the oasis of Bahla of the rarest places which remained the province of pottery by the authentic style and character since the early Islamic period until the present day, Perhaps this feature of unique features that enrich the significance of this oasis.

  • Falajs: The number of falajs in the town of Bahla and in its suburbs 73 falajs almost, including what exist and what remains, Spread in the state of Bahla number of falajs and is the largest and most famous of all: ( Falaj Al Maitha ) does not know the history of its creation, Also including: Falaj Al Fath - Falaj Al Mahdath - Falaj Al Basyani - Falaj Al Ghuwaif - Falaj Al Ajrad - Falaj Al Tufail - Falaj Al Madra.

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