07 May 2012

~¤©§][ Definition of Sultanate of Oman ][§©¤~

Sultanate of Oman is divided administratively into:

- Four Governorates are:
  • Muscat
  • Dhofar
  • Musandam
  • Al Buraimi

- Five Regions are:

This consists of the Governorates and Regions of a number of states a total of up to 61 states, Each region has a regional center or more, The total regional centers in the Sultanate to 12 regional centers.

About the Sultanate of Oman:

Oman has a viable tourist numerous and distinct position as a gateway mediator between east and west of the world, and its history and civilization of old, which have persisted since early with other centers of civilization in our world across the seas in excess of Omanis in the exploration prospects to the Far East and the West, And a lot of archaeological sites to witness the greatness of this history and they made and the status of the drafters of vocabulary, Biodiversity as well as between the plain and the mountain plateau and the coast, This variation, which allows climate provides bright sun is warm in the winter in areas of the Bedouin and urbanized areas, Fresh breezes and free of moisture with moderate temperatures in summer in the Green Mountain, With the monsoon rain and mist and clouds and fresh breeze in the autumn season in Dhofar Governorate, In addition to the content areas of the Bedouin and coastal areas of the elements of attractions to organize desert safaris, Water sports and beaches stretching clean and add to all that the diversity of popular tradition in the arts and traditional handicrafts.


Among the most prominent of these ingredients also stability and security resulting from political stability, That which gives the tourists walk by car throughout the Sultanate in various safe on himself and his property, And all forms of help and hospitality and warm reception from the citizens to welcome the guests, especially if they are aliens, And enhances the availability of a large number of accommodation projects such as multi-grade hotels and hotel apartments and various facilities that provide essential services for tourists and visitors, The government of Sultan Qaboos bin Said - and sponsored - seeks to promote the tourism sector significantly in order to confirm the status of the Sultanate in history and geography, And to highlight the features of cultural and national identity in addition to the investment potential of the Sultanate in this area and increase the contribution of this sector in national development and diversity A sources of national income in line with the future vision of the Omani economy.


Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said ( may God protect him ):

Received His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said - may God protect him - came to the throne of the Sultanate of Oman in the July 23, 1970 (the blessed Renaissance Day).

On this day, the dawn of a new hope emerged Noor space south of the Sultanate to the north, what to give the King took the reins of government to work rapidly, pushed us to the place that suits the Omani man the bar.

And faster reforms in the administration and the tremendous achievements in various fields of political, economic, military, social and cultural rights.

Care of His Majesty the various trends of civilization, grazing of thought in science, consciousness, mind, and soul with hope and security, drawing us joy and make the boasts of the Sultanate and prosper him.

His Majesty the Sultan human good and the light and the richness of Oman and its people decent, extended his hand to the homeland and the citizen in all occasions and all areas, and work to build, educate and enlighten the human Oman in general.

Began the implementation of large projects for the development of the country and raise the standard of living of the people and the country's economy. Interested in building a protective shield of the Sultanate represented by the armed forces of the naval forces ground air, becoming shield the watchful eye of the nation under the leadership of His Majesty Qaboos, and thanks to God and thanks to the experience of his leadership and his military experience unique and thanks to the construction of scientific of these forces recorded on December 11, 1975, a great victory had the Douai at home and abroad.

Has achieved the blessed Renaissance of Omani citizens all aspirations of pride and Sadd, freedom and dignity, and prosperity and a decent living and facilitated all means and opportunities for draws from the fountains of knowledge and established schools in all stages and the end of the university, colleges, and graduate studies.

Also took the King base head towards the consolidation of base Shura in Amman, he established the State Consultative Council, which commenced its work for years, and then His Majesty the establishment of the Shura Council, representing its members all the states of the Sultanate, and contribute advice in the development and identify projects that are aimed at economic and social progress, in addition to the annual inspection tours in the states of the Sultanate's different, as recognized by His Majesty closely the conditions of the citizens who sit in parliament, like the open sessions.


Omani Flag:

Adopted the decision of the Royal Omani flag and raise for the first time in 18 Shawal 1319 AH, corresponding to December 17, 1970 m.

The Omani flag is rectangular in shape and consists of a unit next to a vertical force, and three units extend horizontally from the vertical unit. There are in the upper third of the vertical force adjacent to the Red State emblem in white component of the crossed swords flanking the Omani dagger.

The units consist of the three horizontal and equal proportions of the following colors:

Color white at the top, and the red color in the middle and connected with the unit adjacent to the vertical force, and the color green at the bottom.

These colors and symbols and indications of a subject:

- Color white:
Symbolizes the prosperity and peace to the land of Oman.

- Color Red:
It is the prevailing color in science derives from the old Omani flag and symbolizes the battles fought by the Omani people across its long history to expel the foreign invasion of its territory.

- Color Green:
The symbol of fertility and growth and agriculture in the country.

The State emblem is crossed swords Omani traditional Omani dagger flanking center in the top quarter of the near in force and use it as a slogan attributed to the middle of the eighteenth century and represents that of conventional arms to the people of Oman.


Basic Information:

309.500 square kilometers.

Muscat, a population of 695 432 inhabitants.

2,331,391 according to 2003 census statistics.
3,204,897 by 2007 includes 577 293 sources (arrivals).

Population Density:
7.4 people per square kilometer.

Population Growth Rate:

Life Expectancy:
73.4 years


Official language:
Arabic, English, Iranian, Swahili.

Advanced 4-hours for GMT.

Omani Rial = U.S. $ 2.60.
(387 Bz riyal = one U.S. dollar).

Hot and humid in summer, cool winter.

The metric system.

National Day:
November 18 marks each year.

Public Holidays:
National Holiday - Day Renaissance - Prophet's Birthday - Flowers - Eid Al-Fitr - Eid Al-Adha - The Start of The New Hijri year.

Official time:
Saturday - Wednesday .7.30 am -2.30 pm. (Except the month of Ramadan), where 9.00 am 2.00 pm.

Time The Private Sector:
Saturday - Thursday (according to the system each company) .8.00 am -1.00 pm -6.30 pm (except the month of Ramadan).


Economic Indicators According to Statistics, 2005:

GDP At Commercial Rates:
11.817.4 million rials

Per Capita GDP:
4.712 R.O

Total Government Revenues:
4.552.3 million rials

Total Public Spending:
4.261.6 million rials

Average Daily Production of Oil:
774 000 barrels

Average Price of Oil:
U.S. $ 50.26

Total Exports of Goods:
7.186.9 million rials

Exports of Omani Origin Non-Oil:
RO 555.3 million

Total Imports of Goods:
3.449.3 million rials


Statistical Social Indicators, 2005:

Total Population:
No. 2,508,837 thousand

No. 1,842,684 thousand

Number of 666.153 thousand

Crude Birth Rate:
Per thousand of the population is 24.75

Infant Mortality Rate:
Per thousand live births 10.28

Number 58

Centers and Health Units and Clinics:
Number 897

Hospital Beds:
Number of 5.270

Number of 4.182

Nurses and Nurses:
Number of 9.277

Life Expectancy At Birth:
Number 74.28

Number of 1.049

Numerical 569 per thousand

Students Per Class:
The 28

Students Each Teacher:
Number (in thousands) 15

Civilian Government Employees:
Number (in thousands) 132

Omanis Registered with Public Authority for Social Insurance:
Number (in thousands) 99

Foreign Workers in The Private Sector:
Number (in thousands) 425

Length of Paved Roads:
16.548 km

Number of Subscribers to Internet Service:
Number (in thousands) 76

Number of Hotels and Motels:
Number (in thousands) 153

Production of Electricity:
Gigawatts / hour 12.648

Distribution of Electricity:
Gigawatts / hour 12.023

Water Production:
28.073 million gallons

Distribution of Water:
28.014 million gallons

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