Wilayat Al Duqm:
Wilayat Al Duqm is a state in the region of Al Wusta in the Sultanate of Oman.
Take its place in the southeast corner of Al Wusta region, Neighboring state ( Mahut ) from the northern side, And state ( Al Jazir ) from the southern side, And state ( Haima ) from the West, And east of the Arabian Sea, A population of three thousand and 500 people, Distributed in nearly 23 villages.
In view of the coastline along the Arabian Sea on the shore for a distance of 170 km, Most the population working of fishing, However, the period ( Autumn ) so they call it in the state of Duqm, Which is three months starting from June, ending in September.
During which the temperature drops below 25 degrees, And the climate becomes unfavorable for the descent of the sea.
Most beaches ( Al Duqm ) and brilliant blue waters, their cleanliness and purity of net sand and soft air, which have a tendency to be cool, Beach ( Al Shu'ir ) away from the center of the state about 20 km, The scattered at different distances from homes of fishermen-free, Waiting for her family when they return from Season of Migration to the North.

Another beach what might be called ( Tourist Camps ), it is beach ( Ras Madruka ) Away from the center of the state Duqm about 80 km.
Where the cars come to this beach from neighboring Gulf countries, Where they spend a few days in this wonderful weather, Among their brothers the sons of Oman, In that region, In the form of the triangle facing the head waters of the Arabian Sea.
And extends its base and ribs on the land of the beach, Suitable for all successful tourism investments.
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